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Precious Baby contest winners announced


Champaign County Right to Life had a booth during Fair Week at the Champaign County Fairgrounds. The winners in the voting portion of the Precious Baby Contest were Piper Yoder, the daughter of Lincoln and Lish Yoder; Kaisyn Cooper, daughter of Courtney Cooper; Lake Crain, the son of Magdaline and John Crain; and Maverick Yost, the son of Courtney and Brad Yost. The winner of the Lucky Baby Drawing was Camila Sanchez, daughter of Courtney and Rose Sanchez.

Money motives behind Issue 1 unknown


The front-page “Issue 1 fueled by national groups and money” in the Daily Citizen explains that getting abortion into the State of Ohio’s Constitution will not be any harder than it is now. The pro-life side wanted to make it more difficult to alter the State Constitution, so Issue 1 would have raised the votes needed to 60 percent instead of 50 percent plus 1. The election was not close and failed to help the future of our babies.

Golf scramble supports Pony Wagon Days


The annual Pony Wagon Days Golf Scramble took place on Saturday, July 22 at Lakeland Golf Club in St. Paris. There were 14 teams of four participating in this year’s tournament. A lunch was enjoyed following the scramble at the golf club for all of the teams.

A letter from CCRTL


As we combat abortion in our County, we see that 37 babies were killed in 2021 (latest figure). This was essentially two kindergarten sections missing from schools in our County. In 1971 the graduation class at Urbana High School was over 200 students. This year’s class was under 100 students.

Breastfeeding is a public health priority


August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month in the United States, a campaign to promote and support breastfeeding in all forms. This year’s theme is ‘Enabling Breastfeeding: Making a difference for working parents’ to address the challenges parents face with lactation in the workforce. There are countless benefits to breastfeeding, many having to do with nutrition and physical health. However, breastfeeding also helps with brain growth that “contribute[s] to executive functioning and emotional regulation” and assists in the development of oral structures for feeding and speech ability (Genna, C., 2023). Breastmilk is a living substance that offers the perfect nutrition catered to each infant and lifelong protection against disease.

Ancestry journey leads to friendly Urbana


My wife and I took a recent trip to Urbana to do a genealogy search for some ancestors who left the area in the 1870s moving to southeastern Kansas. We were initially taken by the beauty of your city. The well maintained and restored downtown was wonderful! We went to many places for information which included the Champaign County Historical Society, the Champaign County Library, and the Champaign County Recorder’s office. We found everything that we wanted. A local school, likely attended by my great-grandfather, was discovered. We found the cemetery with the graves of our ancestors.

A special thank you

Friends of the Champaign County Library group would like to extend a warm Thank You to all of those that made the Fall Book...

Leadership should focus on economy

Here in Ohio, the American electorate sent a loud and reverberating message to Washington at the ballot box this fall. It is clear that...


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