Beard supports Lacy

This letter is in support of Tim Lacy’s bid for re-election to the Urbana City Schools Board of Education. In the last four years Lacy has shown his willingness to listen to all sides of issues so that he can make the best possible decision. Lacy is not afraid to stand up and be counted as a person who is willing to fight for all students attending the Urbana City Schools, for all teachers, for all staff members, and for all taxpayers in Urbana. Lacy has proven time and again that he expects the leadership of Urbana City Schools to be held accountable for their actions and that they are responsible for adhering to the Ohio Revised Code.

If you want a board member who sits around the table and rubber stamps everything then Mr. Lacy is not your man, but if you want someone who expects administrators to do their jobs correctly then Lacy is your man! In November remember that “ he/she who stands for nothing will fall for everything.”

Jack Beard
