Indian Lake vegetation update for July 2023


By Ron Brohm

Contributing writer

LOGAN COUNTY – As of Friday, July 7, Indian Lake water conditions looked good. I did not see the same aquatic vegetation growth problems I saw just over a month ago. The lake looked clear and healthy with many boats in the water and there were even some swimmers at the beach.

In fact, according to a June 21 Ohio Department of Natural Resources report, “residents and visitors report positive boating conditions at Indian Lake and dissolved oxygen and nutrient levels continue to remain at acceptable levels. While areas of vegetation remain, ODNR is working to target these areas following recommendations from Restorative Lake Sciences (RLS). Lake management experts characterize the actions taken so far this season at Indian Lake as some of the most aggressive they’ve seen across the country.”

This is all good news and the lake visually resembled Indian Lake of old, before the vegetation growth problems began. A total of eight harvesters operated by ODNR and private contractors are working at Indian Lake to clear the vegetation. On my trip I actually saw one of these harvesters in action near the Moundwood boat ramp. I saw the harvester capture a modest amount of vegetation and a dozer load it into a truck. Hopefully these actions will allow the lake to turn a corner and get back to normal on a consistent basis.


Ron Brohm is an outdoors, tourism, automotive & aviation journalist/author and writes for the Urbana Daily Citizen and other newspapers and several national magazines. He is also a Certified Parks & Recreation Professional (CPRP), serves as the Park Commissioner for the City of Riverside & is the Executive Director of the Great Ohio Outback Wilderness Regional Authority.

Reach the writer at [email protected]

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