Swinging to music of the ’40s


Tickets are available for the Champaign County Arts Council’s Veterans Day Dinner Dance at the Champaign Aviation Museum on Saturday, Nov. 12.

The event, which will celebrate veterans and the musical performers who entertained them, is presented with the support of the Champaign County Memorial Foundation and Mercy Memorial Hospital.

Tickets are $25 and are on sale at the Arts Council office, 119 Miami St., and at The Medicine Shoppe, Urbana. Tickets can also be purchased online with Paypal at www.champaigncountyartscouncil.org or over the phone with a credit card.

The Champaign Aviation Museum is located at 1652 N. Main St., Urbana. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.; dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Music and dancing will be from 6 to 9 p.m.

The versatile 10-piece Bob Gray Orchestra will play ’40s style “Big Band Swing.” The band has been in existence since 1973, and its top-caliber musicians also perform in other musical organizations, including The Dayton Philharmonic and the Springfield Symphony.

Veterans are encouraged to attend in uniform.

The diamond sponsors of this event are The Champaign County Memorial Foundation and Mercy Memorial Hospital.

Silver sponsors are Edward Jones-Megan Gerlach/Dennis Serie, The First Central National Bank, KTH Parts Industries, Skelley Lumber Company, and Walter & Stowe Funeral Home.

Bronze sponsors include Perpetual Federal Savings Bank and Willman Furniture.

This program is also sponsored by a grant from The Ohio Arts Council, which uses state tax dollars to fund programs such as this to encourage economic growth, educational excellence, and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans.

For more information, contact the Champaign County Arts Council at 937-653-7557. Office hours are Tuesday-Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

The 10-piece Bob Gray Orchestra will provide big band music for the dinner dance.
https://www.urbanacitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/36/2016/10/web1_BGRAY3.jpegThe 10-piece Bob Gray Orchestra will provide big band music for the dinner dance. Submitted photo
Arts Council’s Veterans Day Dinner Dance to be held Nov. 12 at Champaign Aviation Museum

Submitted story

Submitted by the Champaign County Arts Council.

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