COLUMBUS – LifeCare Alliance, the Midwest’s leading provider of Meals-on-Wheels, congratulated the 2015 Champaign Spirit Award Volunteers at the April 14 Spirit Awards Ceremony, held to recognize outstanding volunteers for their service and dedication to homebound older adults and medically challenged and disabled neighbors. This year’s award ceremony was held at Champaign Residential Services Inc., 1150 Scioto St.
The 2015 Spirit Award recipients are:
•David Faulkner, 2015 Champaign County Community Partner Spirit Award
•Charles (Chuck) Hazelton, 2015 Champaign County MOW Spirit Award
•Downsize Farm, 2015 Corporate Meals-on-Wheels Spirit Award
In 2014, LifeCare Alliance became the home-delivered and congregate dining center meal provider to the residents of Champaign County. If interested in volunteering for LifeCare Alliance, call 614-444-MEAL (6325) or visit to learn more.
About LifeCare Alliance
Formed in 1898, LifeCare Alliance is central Ohio’s first in-home health care agency, Ohio’s first agency to provide visiting nurses, and the nation’s second agency to deliver Meals-on-Wheels. LifeCare Alliance is a not-for-profit organization that provides a comprehensive array of health and nutrition services to older adults and medically challenged or homebound residents of central Ohio through its signature programs: Meals-on-Wheels, Senior Dining Centers, Wellness Centers, Help-at-Home, Visiting Nurses, The Columbus Cancer Clinic, Project OpenHand-Columbus, Groceries-to-Go, IMPACT Safety and Senior PetCare.