Rosedale Bible College breaking ground for a new residence hall


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ROSEDALE – Rosedale Bible College’s graduation ceremonies on May 25 at 10:30 a.m. will also include groundbreaking for a new residence hall. Festivities will take place in a large tent pitched near the site of the new building on the backside of campus.

“We’re very grateful to launch this new group of Kingdom workers as well as break ground for a much-needed new dorm,” said Jeremy Miller, president. He explained that when they kicked off the capital campaign to raise $6 million for a new residence hall three years ago, they had no idea of how urgent the housing needs would become.

Miller said that projected enrollment for the fall semester is running over 100 students, taxing current facilities that have comfortably housed 70-80 students the last several years.

“We’re scrambling to arrange housing for our largest fall enrollment since 1980,” Miller said.

In light of the urgent need for student housing, the RBC board made the decision to break ground for the new dorm in spite of the fact that $500,000 is still needed to complete the project debt free.

“We are continuing to pray that God will provide the needed funds,” Miller said.

When the new dorm is completed in the fall of 2025, men will move into the current women’s dorm and women will occupy the new dorm. The current men’s dorm is slated for demolition.

Following graduation and groundbreaking, all guests are invited to celebrate the occasion with taco salad, cake, and dirt pudding on the lawn.

Story submitted by Jewel Showalter

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