Master Gardeners conclude butterfly project

Children enjoyed the release of the adult butterflies into nature to continue their life cycle.

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Champaign County Master Gardener Volunteers (CCMGVs) just concluded their signature Countywide 2023 Children’s Butterfly Garden and Life Cycle Project. Champaign County Master Gardeners has sponsored and provided this program to all Champaign County Elementary Schools for the past 10 years, giving preschoolers through 3rd grade elementary students the opportunity to witness in person the life cycle of the butterfly in their classrooms, and learn about pollinator plants and gardens. Additional participants, such as the Champaign County and North Lewisburg branch libraries summer reading program, the YMCA preschool, and the Champaign County-Madison ESC were added for 2023. Presentations were given by Linda Lensman, Committee Chair, prior to the arrival of the live caterpillars, and were well received.

The 2023 Children’s Butterfly Garden and Life Cycle Project served 16 sites (8 schools), 1101 children, 45 classrooms with 25 habitats being loaned to classrooms by the CCMGV. The project began February 1 and ended May 29 with the release of butterflies across the county.

CCMGV partnered with the Ohio DNR Wildlife Division for free copies of “Wild Ohio for Kids Magazine” given to each student. The Champaign County OSU Extension office provided printed materials for the program and much appreciated support. CCMGV’s were able to provide this program with the help of generous donations from local businesses and individuals.

Info from

Jeanette Enyart

OSU Champaign Co. Master Gardeners