The Urbana Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) met Monday, Oct. 17, 2022 at the First Presbyterian Church, Urbana, Ohio. Twenty-one members and one guest, a C.A.R. (Children of the American Revolution) member, were present. Delightful refreshments with a fall theme prepared by Pat Detwiler and Cassandra Koster were enjoyed by all. Kim Snyder, Regent, called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m.; Susan Fornoff-Lippencott led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Carol Tong led the American’s Creed. The National Anthem was accompanied by Joanna Woodburn. The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America was recited with several reciting it from memory.

Regent Snyder encouraged those present to use the cards provided to write a simple note to active-duty service personnel, signing with first name. Cards may be written at home and brought to meetings. She then introduced guest Becky Preston, C.A.R. member, her mother Karen, and new member Amber Cole. We were happy to welcome back Janet Evans, and new associate member Marianne Ober from Springfield.

Linda Fullerton read the President General’s message, pointing out that any chapter can apply for Celebration grants. Claudia Foulk gave the National Defense Report. One interesting fact was that in WWII, bright red lipsticks became patriotic. Colors such as Victory Red by Elizabeth Arden, Montezuma Red, Patriot Red, and Rocket Red were worn profusely.

With no additions or corrections to the minutes of the last meeting, they will be filed for audit.

Regent’s Report: Regent Snyder then proceeded with her report, reminding us that on Oct. 16 last year we celebrated our 125th year with a fantastic luncheon, guests from all over the state, and a play written by Dr. Janet Ebert. Octoberfest this year was a great success, headed up by Linda Fullerton. Our booth at the Simon Kenton Hoopla Parade and Chili Festival was womaned ably by volunteer members and the Regent thanked all those who helped at each event. Wreaths Across America flyers were distributed and many conversations were held about DAR. Amid this, spirits were dampened by the loss of Pat Detwiler’s son, Andy; she expressed sympathy to Pat and her family.

The Regent had a recipe for sale, proceeds going to the Christian Waldschmidt Homestead, where she attended the first Fall Festival. 1803 flag pins were available; monies from these sales will benefit the preservation and improved display of the 1803 flag at the Homestead.

The Urbana Chapter DAR has been classified as a Lantern Chapter, which is a chapter that has contributed to the founding of another chapter. She discussed how to order a Lantern pin and other pins on the NSDAR Members’ Website.

The Regent encouraged all members to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming election. The 102nd anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which guarantees women’s right to vote, was in August.

Vice Regent’s Report: Linda Fullerton explained how the chapter accumulates points for chapter achievement awards, and we have until December to accumulate more points. She distributed flyers to invite veterans to our November meeting, when the program will be on Space Force, newest branch of the U.S. Military.

Chaplain’s Report: Several members dealing with sickness were mentioned.

Treasurer’s Report: Judy Brooks presented the treasurers report, which was filed for audit.

Registrar’s Report: Dona Tullis reported a membership of 75 and there are four prospective members.

Committee Reports: Claudia Foulk led with the Service to Veterans report by discussing one of our core values of caring for veterans and their widows, saying that this year’s emphasis will be on helping locally.

Service to America: Judi Henson reported that our chapter has recorded 2,139 Service to America hours.

Wreaths Across America: Pat Detwiler reported that 483 wreaths have been sponsored so far, but there are more than 1758 veterans in Oak Dale Cemetery. The wreaths are balsam and are handmade in Maine. She encouraged everyone to distribute flyers and hopes that each DAR member will be influential in providing at least 4 wreaths.

There was no unfinished business.

For new business, Judy Brooks moved, seconded by Karen Preston, that Megan Snyder be named Chapter Outstanding Junior. Program/Project: Since October 11 was National Service Day, Linda Fullerton presented the new service project of diapers for Sycamore House, the local pregnancy center. A motion to send a monetary donation was made by Linda Fullerton and seconded by Jeanette Enyart. After discussion, the motion was unanimously approved.

The next meeting will be Saturday, Nov. 19, at 10 a.m. at BrownRidge Hall. The program will be “Why we love our Veterans” with Scott Stewart speaking.

The meeting was adjourned at 3 p.m.

Vice Regent Linda Fullerton is pictured with some of the diapers DAR members donated for the Sycamore House. Regent Linda Fullerton is pictured with some of the diapers DAR members donated for the Sycamore House. Submitted photo

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