Urbana Chapter DAR

August 16, 2021

The Urbana Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution met Monday, August 16, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. at the Urbana First Presbyterian Church. Regent Snyder called the meeting to order and proceeded with the DAR opening ritual. The Pledge of Allegiance was read by Judy Kathary, the American’s Creed was read by Charlotte Roby, and the Star Spangled Banner was led by Becky Shultz. Regent Snyder read the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America. Present for the in person meeting were fourteen members and one associate member.

President General’s Report: Linda Fullerton summarized the comments by President General Denise Doring VanBuren. Members are strongly encouraged to support local leadership, renew investment in DAR membership and attract vibrant new women to our National Society while providing a fulfilling outlet to express their love of country.

National Defense Report: Dona Tullis reported on August events, the first of which was National Coast Guard Day. This is celebrated on August 4 and honors the courageous work of this maritime service. One of the seven U.S. armed forces, the Coast Guard is a multi-missioned service. Their motto in Latin is Semper Paratus, “Always Ready.” A second event is Purple Heart Day celebrated on August 7 each year. This is a designated time to remember and honor the brave men and women who were either wounded on the battlefield or paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives.

Regent’s Report: Regent Snyder reported on participation in the recent Champaign County Fair. Megan Snyder and Judy Kathary joined Regent Snyder in judging the Fashion Show. The chapter sponsored the Top Model award, two Poultry Trophies, two Rabbit Showmanship, three Goat Trophies, two Beef trophies, and two Sheep Skillathon trophies. The chapter is continuing to collect pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House and Coke tops to donate points to Crossnore’s Williams Academy. Regent Snyder reminded members that the Fall Fun Fair is happening August 20-21 as a live event at the Columbus Airport Marriott. The chapter is currently collecting items for the Fall Fun Fair S’mores drive. The President General will be in attendance and 435 registrations have been received, and a record attendance for the Saturday lunch is expected. Members were encouraged to sign up to work the CWH booth at the Amazing Race on August 28. On September 25, the chapter will be participating in the Simon Kenton Hoopla Parade and Chili Festival. Volunteers will be needed for this event. The 125th Anniversary celebration of the Urbana Chapter DAR is scheduled for October 16, 2021. This will be a spectacular event in the life of our chapter and we look forward to sharing it with fellow DAR members as well as our community.

Secretary’s Report: The June minutes were approved as written for filing.

Treasurer’s Report: Judy Brooks gave the Treasurer’s report. The report will be filed for audit. The chapter proposed budget for 2021-2022 was presented. It was moved by Dona Tullis and seconded by Lana Seeberg the budget be accepted. Motion carried. It was mentioned the

deadline for payment of dues for 2021-2022 is the September meeting, and late on October l, 2021.

Registrar’s Report: Registrar Dona Tullis reported a membership of 73 with three applications in process. One electronic application has been completed and filed.

Historian’s Report: This report was given by Janet Ebert.

Librarian’s Report: Claudia Foulk displayed a most interesting and historical booklet titled “History of American Patriotic Songs.” She then generously donated it to the chapter to be part of the DAR memorabilia collection.

Judy Kathary gave the American Indian report. She discussed the fascinating story of The Great Serpent Mound, which is a prehistoric mound located in Adams County, Ohio.

Judi Henson announced that seven chapter members have reported a total of 1,525 Service to American hours since January 1, 2021.

Claudia Foulk reviewed the personal hygiene list of needs for veterans hospitalized in VA hospitals. These items are collected by the chapter in November and June meetings for distribution and are very much appreciated by those who have served so bravely in our military branches.

Regent Snyder encouraged members to pick up and distribute posters for the December project, Wreaths Across America.

Becky Shultz gave a brief book report on an interesting historical novel by Natasha Boyd titled “Indigo Girl.”

Regent Snyder and Vice Regent Linda Fullerton reviewed the 2021-2022 program booklet for Urbana Chapter DAR. It was stressed that all events are scheduled tentatively, due to COVID-19 restrictions that may be in place at the time of the upcoming events.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. The next meeting will be Friday, September 17, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. at the Champaign County Community Auditorium. As it stands presently, the public bell-ringing is scheduled at 4 p.m. at Freedom Grove. Regent Snyder asked members to come prepared with ideas for our Service to America Project for the upcoming year.

-Jeanne Evans, Recording Secretary photo

Submitted story

Submitted by Becky Shultz

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