Barnyard Buddies 4H Group’s 1st meeting was Feb. 21st 6pm, by Zoom
The meeting was called to order. Pledges were done by all members. Attendance taken with Tyler, Gavin, Don, and Keri Householder, Clayton and Lynette Maxson, McKalia Hageman, Trey, Brady, Hailey Sparks, Bob and Jamie Barker, Dawson and Brad Cohn, Reese and Layne Barger, Max Dunlavy, Rose and Mallory Bishop, Maria Boling, Logan Bashore, Ben, Zach, and Claire Sells. Member enrollment was the only old business. Enrollment is due by March 1st. Dues are $25 for each member also due by March 1st. Advisor paperwork is due to the 4H office by March 1st. Several topics were discussed under new business. Quality Assurance will be March 20th. Don advisor is working on the time and will post it on the group’s Facebook page by 2/27. Officers were elected as follows: President – Logan Bashore, Vice President – McKalia Hageman, Health/Safety – Max Dunlavy, News Reporter – Clayton Maxson, Treasure – Tyler Householder, Recreation – Trey/Brady Sparks, Secretary – will be voted on at next regular meeting. The next meeting we will need to review who is taking what projects and the requirements for each project. The club will vote on some way to help the Coy family with clean up or any other need and vote on committees. The meeting was adjourned.
2nd meeting March 20th 4pm
At our meeting we attended the county extension office quality assurance program so people can show live stock.
April 11th at 6:00 pm.
Clayton Maxson, Barnyard Buddies news reporter