DAR hears from Cedar Bog


The Urbana Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution met Monday, March 18, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church in Urbana, Ohio. Regent Kim Snyder welcomed 19 Urbana Chapter members, 2 guests and one prospective member. She then conducted the DAR opening ritual. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jeanette Enyart, and American’s Creed was led by Dolly Wisma. The National Anthem was led by pianist, Joanna Woodburn.

Connie Flanly introduced special guest and speaker, Randy Rogers, President of the Cedar Bog Board. The group enjoyed his most interesting presentation on the history of our local Ohio State Nature Preserve, Cedar Bog. Regent Snyder encouraged members to participate in a Walkabout at Cedar Bog Saturday, March 23, 2019 at 1 p.m.

President General’s Report: The report from Ann Turner Dillon was read by Joanna Woodburn. This April will mark the 80th anniversary of opera singer Marian Anderson’s historic concert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. She mentioned that new officers for the upcoming 3-year term will be installed at Continental Congress in Washington DC on June 26-June 30, 2019.

National Defense Report: Margaret Denzer discussed the life of Lieutenant Colonel Karen P. Kramer, who holds over 35 years of military service. Her current assignment is Public Health Flight Commander, 88th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. She promotes her key to success in 3 words: Attitude, Attitude, Attitude.

Regent’s Report: Regent Snyder reminded members that Project Patriot is gathering WalMart gift cards to send to active duty and injured veterans. One location that is included is Walter-Reed Hospital, Bethesda, MD. Honor Flight letters are needed for Mail Call. These will be collected at the April meeting in time to be part of the Welcome Home April 20, 2019. Several members will be attending OSDAR State Conference. Regent Snyder was excited to report that our program for the May meeting will be provided by Lynn Murrell, who is a Tribal Elder for the Chickasaw Nation and a member of the Anna Asbury Stone Chapter. It was mentioned we are in need of a Constitution Day Chair for the September Bell-Ringing Ceremony.

Secretary’s Report: The February minutes were approved as written.

Registrar’s Report: Dona Tullis reported a membership of 84 members. She is currently working with 3 prospective members.

Historian’s Report: Janet Ebert moved that our chapter form a committee to develop a plan to honor a local high school student for an exceptional patriotic display at a sporting event. The motion was seconded by Dona Tullis. Motion carried. Volunteers for the committee are Janet Ebert, Kim Snyder and Dona Tullis.

Librarian’s Report: Lana Seeberg encouraged members to read the article in American Spirit March/April publication titled “Good News for Researchers from the DAR Library”. Also, in the same publication another article discusses a current project, “DAR Pathway of the Patriots”. This project gives DAR members and the public the opportunity to honor the spirit of the men and women who achieved American independence by adopting a tree in memory of a Patriot.

Committee Reports

Service to America: Judi Henson reported that to date for 2019, Urbana Chapter has recorded 189 service hours.

New Business: Joanna Woodburn encouraged members to attend a program at 7:00 p.m. on March 18, 2019 at the Champaign County Library presented by Women of Champaign County.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m. Hostesses for the afternoon were Pat Detwiler, Suzanne Selvaggio and Marilyn Foulk.

The next meeting will be held Monday, April 15, 2019 at the St. Paris Library, St. Paris, Ohio at 1:30 p.m.

Submitted story

Submitted by the Urbana Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution.

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