CONOVER – Upcoming events at the A.B. Graham Memorial Center, 8025 E. U.S. Route 36, Conover, in Miami County, include the following. For more info, call 937-368-3700 or visit
Line dancing class
Taught by Dan Sturgill
Class Meets: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
January 13, 20, 27, February 3, 10 and 17
$5 a class
The class will start with basic skill and increase with difficulty each week.
Image result for dancing cowboy boots clipart
There will be a dance at the conclusion of classes, on Feb. 25 from 7:00 – 9:00pm. We will also have a Chicken Noodle Dinner 5- 7 and Bingo starting at 7
Chili cook-off & bingo
Saturday, Jan. 28
Chili Dinner 5:00 – 7:00PM
Bingo at 7:00PM
Dinner- $6, includes soup, sandwich, dessert, & drink (Canned pop is $1) (Potato soup will also be available)
Compete in our Chili Cook-Off! To register call the Center 937-368-3700 and just leave a message. Participants must have chili at the Center, ready to eat by 5:00PM.
Everyone will get to vote on the best chili, prize for the winner!
20 games. $.25 a board or $1.00 for 50/50 cash games
Chicken & Noodles Dinner
Followed by bingo & line dancing Saturday, Feb. 25
Dinner 5:00 – 7:00pm
Bingo starts at 7:00pm
$7 for adults, $3 age 3-12
Meal will include: chicken & noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, roll dessert, and drink.
20 games of bingo.
$.25 a board or $1.00 for
50/50 cash games
Line Dancing in gym 7-9 p.m.