UDC photo booth hours will be:
Saturday, Aug. 8: UDC Merchants Building booth: 5:30-7 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 9: UDC Merchants Building booth: 3-4 p.m.; UDC livestock booth (near main show arena): 4-5 p.m.
Monday, Aug. 10: UDC Merchants Building booth: 3-4 p.m.; UDC livestock booth (near main show arena): 4-5 p.m.
Tuesday, Aug. 11: UDC Merchants Building booth: 3-4 p.m.; UDC livestock booth (near main show arena): 4-5 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 12: UDC Merchants Building booth: 3-4 p.m.; UDC livestock booth (near main show arena): 4-5 p.m.
Thursday, Aug. 13: UDC Merchants Building booth: 3-4 p.m.; UDC livestock booth (near main show arena): 4-5 p.m.
Friday, Aug. 14: No booth hours on final day of fair.
Can’t make it to see us during booth hours? Email pictures of champions and grand champions with caption information to [email protected].
8 a.m. Weighing of Dairy Steers followed by Dairy Feeders Jackpot Market Goat Show, Open Class Goat Show
followed by Goat Carcass Contest, PeeWee Showmanship, Junior Fair Goat Showmanship
8:30 a.m. 4-H Garment Revue for those with livestock conflicts (Jr. Fair Activity Building)
9 a.m. Junior Fair Swine Showmanship followed by Junior Fair County Farrowed Swine Show (Swine Arena)
4-H Garment Revue (Jr. Fair Activity Building)
Junior Fair Horse Show
10 a.m. One day A.R.B.A. Sanctioned Rabbit Show
11 a.m. Culinary Exhibits in place
11:15 a.m. Garden Club Exhibits in place
Noon ALL Exhibits in place
12:30 p.m. Flower Show judging
1:30 p.m. Homemaker’s Style Show (Activities Building)
2 p.m. Mark Abbati – The Living Statue (grounds)
Cloverbud Tours (front of 4H Activities Building)
3 p.m. Antique & Mini Mod Tractor Pulls (Grandstand)
5 p.m. Beef Feeder Class followed by Beef Scramble Class, Jr. Fair Breeding
Show and Cattlemen’s Special Steer & Commercial Heifer Show (Woodruff Show Arena)
7 p.m. Champaign Co. Classic Truck Pull (Grandstand)
10 p.m. Junior Fair Llamas to be in place
8:30 a.m. Junior Fair Beef Showmanship –Beef feeders
Released following show.
10 a.m. Worship Service (Activities Building Modeling Area)
10:30 a.m. Lamb Cook-Off (middle of sheep barn)
11 a.m. Junior Fair Horse/Pony Classes
Lamb Cook-Off (Middle of Sheep Barn)
11 a.m. to noon Entries for Pie Contest (Pork Council Building)
Noon PeeWee Swine Showmanship (Swine Show Arena)
Guys & Gals Sheep Lead-In Classes followed by Open Class Carcass Lamb Contest, PeeWee Sheep Showmanship
1 p.m. Junior Fair Rabbit/Cavy Exhibits in place
1:30 p.m. Post Time – Harness Races
2 p.m. Junior Fair Rabbit & Cavy Showmanship, Poster & Royalty results announced (Rabbit & Cavy Building)
Cloverbud Tours (front of 4H Activities Building)
3 p.m. Pie Auction – Swine Show Arena (following PeeWee Showmanship)
3:30 p.m. 4-H Dog Obedience and Showmanship Demonstration (Cattle Show Arena)
6 p.m. Champaign County Schools Bands (Grandstand)
6:30 p.m. Crowning of 2015 Junior Fair Queen, 4-H Boy & Girl of the Year, FFA Boy & Girl of the Year, followed by Pig and Calf Scrambles (Grandstand)
7:30-9:30 p.m. Jim Greer/Mac-O-Chee Valley Folks (Girls Modeling Building)