Man placed on community control in assault case

An Urbana man was placed on community control for an attempted felonious assault charge Monday during a sentencing hearing.

Richard L. Bowser Jr., 41, was placed on community control for two years for a charge stemming from a June 7 incident.

On that date, Urbana police responded to a 911 distress call in the area of West Church and North High streets. A male caller told dispatch he had been assaulted in the street and dragged into an upstairs apartment at 304 W. Church St. and was being held against his will.

Officers determined which apartment the victim was being held in and when they attempted to make contact with people inside, no one answered the door. The victim had been taken into the bathroom area after the assault and used his cell phone to notify police.

Once officers got inside the apartment, the assault victim ran from the bathroom area to officers, telling them he was the person who had been beaten and forced into the apartment. The victim sustained serious injuries to his face and head.

As part of community control, Bowser was ordered to obtain an assessment from and successfully complete “Thinking for a Change” programming ordered by the West Central Probation Incentive Program, obtain an assessment for and successfully complete anger management counseling as arranged by the Adult Parole Authority, is subject to random drug screens, shall observe a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., and was ordered to have no contact with specific individuals as ordered by the court.

Bowser was also fined $250.

If community control is revoked, Bowser faces a 24-month prison sentence.

By Nick Walton

[email protected]

Nick Walton can be reached at 937-652-1331 Ext. 1777 or on Twitter @UDCWalton.