April 1 is Census Day

Census Day is being observed locally in Urbana, Champaign County, and nationwide on April 1, 2020. By this date, every household will have received an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. Each household’s response to the 2020 Census will be based on where each person is living as of April 1, 2020. The results of the 2020 Census will be the basis for congressional representation and will determine how $675 billion in federal funds are distributed each year to support vital programs in communities across the country. On a local level, the impact of responding to the 2020 Census is about $1,800 per person that will come directly to our local community, and these funds shape health care, education, and transportation.

As of March 29, 2020, the national self-response rate to the 2020 Census is 34.7% and 37.6% statewide in Ohio. Locally, self-response rates are as follows: Champaign County is at 36.7%, Urbana is at 37.5%, Mechanicsburg is at 32.5%, North Lewisburg is at 30.1%, and St. Paris is at 27.4%. Overall, the self-response rate in Champaign County is trending below surrounding counties with the exception of Logan County. Regionally, Logan County is at 33.0%, Shelby County is at 40.7%, Miami County is at 41.7%, Clark County is at 38.4%, Madison County is at 38.3%, and Union County is at 41.6%. Urbana’s self-response rate is trending above Bellefontaine (36.9%) and below Marysville (39.7%) and London (39.0%).

Urbana and Champaign County households are encouraged to respond to the 2020 Census now and be counted. Households can respond online, answer by phone by calling (1-844-330-2020), or by requesting a paper questionnaire. The 2020 Census only takes about 10 minutes to complete. Visit www.2020census.gov for additional information.

In preparation for upcoming field operations for the 2020 Census, the United States Census Bureau continues to hire locally in Champaign County. The local pay rate for these positions is $16.50 to $18 per hour. Visit www.2020census.gov/jobs for more information.

Champaign’s self-response rate is 36.7%

Submitted story

Press release submitted on behalf of the Champaign County Complete Count Committee by Doug Crabill, Community Development Manager, City of Urbana.