Road Work

The Ohio Department of Transportation announced the following road work and how it will impact drivers.

*State Route 4 between the Clark County line and the Mechanicsburg south corporation limit, 24-hour lane closures through Aug. 31. One lane will be maintained for travel in each direction through the use of flaggers.

*State Route 29 between Mechanicsburg west corporation limit and the Madison County line, 24-hour lane closures through Aug. 31. One lane will be maintained for travel in each direction through the use of flaggers.

*State Route 29 between state Route 187 and Ware Road, 24-hour road closure June 22-24. The official detour is state Route 187 to state Route 56 to Interstate 70 to U.S. Route 42.

*State Route 560 between Stickley Road and Millerstown Road, 24-hour road closure through July 14. The official detour is state Route 29 to U.S. Route 36 to state Route 560.

*District-wide micro-surfacing project on Champaign state Routes 814 and 560 and 235; Clark state Route 235; Miami state Route 48; and Darke state Routes 118 and 121. Various lane closures through July 30 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. One lane will remain open for travel in each direction through the use of flaggers.

*District-wide chip and seal project on Logan state Route 287, Champaign state Routes 29 and 245 and 559; and Clark state Route 41. Various lane closures through Sept. 30 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. One lane will remain open for travel in each direction through the use of flaggers.