Time for giving back


EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one in a series of outreach columns from the Champaign County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

As you probably know, the Champaign County Board of Developmental Disabilities (CCBDD) serves individuals with disabilities in the Champaign County community. Through our work, we strive to ensure that people with disabilities are involved in their communities, and we do that in a variety of ways.

One of the core values of CCBDD is ‘inclusion’. It is often important for the people we serve to feel they are active members of their communities. For individuals with this desire, we do our best to connect them with local organizations in need of volunteers. At this time of year, you may see individuals and their support team participating in local food or clothing drives and volunteering their time at shelters and soup kitchens.

CCBDD staff also share knowledge and represent the disability community by providing information, resources and presentations to local businesses, school districts and other interested organizations.

Employees at CCBDD are also generous in volunteering their time for the entire community.

CCBDD staff are actively engaged in local service organizations such as Kiwanis and the Lions Club, often holding leadership positions. We believe that by supporting our local community, it makes everyone better. And we never pass up an opportunity to share how our services impact the community and people with disabilities.

If you want more information on what we do at the Champaign County Board of DD, please check out our website at www.champaigncbdd.org and make sure to follow us on social media. You can also call 937-653-5217 to get more information on services.


By Leigh Anne Wenning

Leigh Anne Wenning is the superintendent of Champaign County Board of DD.

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