Champaign County Shooting Academy, Inc. received a Conservation Club Grant from Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife to fund public shooting programs through June 2023. Most of this $9,805 grant will provide free public access to the Community Archery Park, located on Route 68 south of Urbana, and will pay for recurring insurance and ADA compatible restroom facility costs as well as additional target backstops. The remainder of the funds will support perennial training events, including a women-only shooting clinic, family archery clinic, 3D archery shoot and a pre-season hunting range session. Funding for the Conservation Club Partnership Grant Program is comprised of money from license/permit revenues and the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program.

The ODNR Division of Wildlife Conservation Club Competitive Partnership Grant Program is a program to encourage participation in wildlife related recreation activities (fishing, hunting, trapping and shooting sports education) on a local level. Participation by youth or individuals unfamiliar with wildlife related recreation is emphasized. Projects focusing on public access to property or facilities, education and informing youth in safe participation in wildlife related activities, developing long term mentorship programs in fishing, hunting and shooting sports education are encouraged.


Submitted by Champaign County Shooting Academy, Inc. The Academy was founded Oct. 3, 2017 as a non-profit charity serving the Champaign County area. The mission of the Academy is to provide facilities to promote firearm and archery safety and marksmanship training programs focusing on youth development organizations, competitive shooting opportunities, hunter education training, access for disabled shooters and women’s programs. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status was approved Aug. 13, 2018. For more information, contact Ken McCabe at [email protected].

Most of the $9,805 grant will provide free public access to the Community Archery Park, located on Route 68 south of Urbana, and will pay for recurring insurance and ADA compatible restroom facility costs as well as additional target backstops. of the $9,805 grant will provide free public access to the Community Archery Park, located on Route 68 south of Urbana, and will pay for recurring insurance and ADA compatible restroom facility costs as well as additional target backstops. Submitted photo

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