The Urbana Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution met via Zoom on March 15. Regent Snyder called the meeting to order and proceeded with the DAR opening ritual. The Pledge of Allegiance was read by Connie Flanly, the American’s Creed was read by Becky Shultz, and the Star Spangled Banner was read by Janet Ebert. Regent Snyder read the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America, now done at each meeting. Present for the meeting were 13 members, one associate member and one guest.

Regent Snyder offered a special welcome to State Regent and associate member Kathy Dixon as well as guest and speaker for the afternoon, Addie King.

Addie King, local attorney and author, gave a most interesting dissertation on her career as she grew up locally, becoming an attorney as well as a wife, mother, and creative author. She has six novels and 11 short stories published at a time in her life where she continues to maintain a local law practice. Special thanks to her for sharing her life story.

The President General’s message and National Defense report were available by email to members for reading prior to the meeting. President General Denise Doring VanBuren offered a special thanks to DAR members for all that was done during the past year to make sure DAR succeeded in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. April 1, 2021 is significant in that it is the estimated completion date for the $14 million restoration of Constitution Hall. The National Defense Report spoke to the historic meaning of the Star Spangled Banner. It was prefaced by an 1836 quote by Francis Scott Key, writer of the lyrics. It is as follows: “Then, in that hour of deliverance, and joyful triumph, the heart spoke; and, Does not such a country, and such defenders of their country, deserve a song?”

Regent’s Report: Regent Snyder reminded the group that the chapter is still collecting pull tabs for Ronald McDonald house and Coke tops to donate points to Crossnore’s Williams Academy. She mentioned that 558 people are registered for the upcoming state DAR conference. Regent Snyder has been heavily involved in the efforts to make this conference a reality. It will be totally virtual in keeping with COVID-19 restrictions. HotHands were delivered to National Guard within 72 hours of placement of the order. Four cases of Girl Scout cookies were ordered and shipped to USO for distribution to active duty military units. April 1, 2021 is the date that an announcement will be issued regarding the format of the June 2021 Continental Congress. October 16, 2021 has been selected as the new date to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Urbana Chapter DAR. Regent Snyder closed her report by reminding members to continue to be vigilant and patient as the COVID-19 pandemic is still in process.

Secretary’s Report: The February minutes were approved as written for filing.

Treasurer’s Report: Judy Brooks gave the Treasurer’s report which was filed for audit.

Registrar’s Report: Registrar Dona Tullis reported a membership of 73 members. One application has been submitted to National electronically.

Judy Kathary offered a most interesting report, some of which was taken from a publication titled “Through Indian Eyes.”

Pat Detwiler discussed interesting rules, some not familiar, regarding the display of the flag of the United States of America.

Connie Flanly gave the Conservation Report. She reminded members to be aware of things to improve our environment, such as the planting of Butterfly Gardens.

New Business: Regent Snyder presented the opportunity to participate in the Ohio Society DAR Patriot Project Contest which involves sending cards to military in 2021. Judy Kathary suggested a part of this project could involve sending cards to 100 military members serving on a submarine, one of whom is her grandson. Discussion will continue at upcoming meetings.

State Regent, Kathy Dixon, expressed a special gratitude to Regent Snyder for her part in the planning of the state conference, being held virtually. Regent Snyder is Chair, VIS Committee, Ohio DAR and we are very proud of her expertise.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM. The next meeting will be Monday, April 19, 2021, at 1:30 PM via Zoom, as it is planned now.

Submitted by the DAR.

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