Urbana FFA competes in public speaking


Urbana FFA chapter members Lanee Russell, Trey Williams and Faith Denkewalter competed in the sub-district virtual public speaking contests of creed, prepared, and extemporaneous.

Lanee competed in creed speaking, where she recited the FFA creed from memory. Faith competed in prepared speaking. She wrote a speech, memorized it and presented it. Trey competed in extemporaneous speaking. He selected a topic randomly, and had thirty minutes to prepare a speech on this topic and present it fluently and smoothly to the judges.

Faith Denkewalter placed 1st, Lanee Russell placed 4th, and Trey Williams placed 4th. Faith Denkewalter moved on to the district competition.

By Faith Denkewalter

Faith Denkewalter is the Urbana FFA Treasurer.

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