Club News


The Urbana Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution met Monday, April 16, at 1:30 p.m. in the St. Paris Library Kiser Community Room. Regent Detwiler welcomed 23 members and associate members.

Regent Detwiler conducted the DAR ritual, which included the American’s Creed, Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem.

President General’s Report: Vice Regent Kim Snyder reported that President General Ann Turner Dillon will join New York State Officers Club at West Point to rededicate the Martha Corbin Monument and celebrate Margaret’s legacy. In addition, the DAR Museum Gallery is near completion and will be ready to welcome guests this summer.

National Defense Report: Margaret Denzer reported on the status of our military, which has been entirely voluntary since 1973 as stated by National Chair, National Defense Committee, Julia Rogers. Only three out of ten youth qualify today.

Chaplain’s Devotions: These were given by Rev. Carol Tong.

Installation of New Member: It was very exciting to welcome new member Megan Snyder to our Chapter. Megan, who has been a very active CAR member, was presented with a red rose by her Mother, Vice Regent Kim Snyder.

A request has been received from a former active member, Cassandra Wagner Richie, for reinstatement. It was moved and seconded that this request be affirmed. Motion carried.

A most interesting program by Vice Regent Kim Snyder was enjoyed by the group. It was titled “Original Code Talkers of WWI…How Choctaw Foiled the Germans.”

Regent’s Report: Regent Detwiler reported on the 119th DAR State Conference. Our Chapter received several certificates recognizing outstanding work. A special honor was having Hannah Dingledine and her parents in attendance. Hannah was our local winner of the History Essay Contest for sixth graders and continued to be District then State winner.

First Vice Regent’s Report: Kim Snyder reported that our Chapter will no longer be collecting empty ink cartridges for Tamassee School due to a very low return. We will now be collecting Coke product caps as well as Coke product bar codes for a more lucrative project.

Secretary’s Report: The March minutes were approved as written.

Registrar’s Report: Dona Tullis reported a membership of 85 members and 9 prospective members.

Historian Report: Jan Ebert reported that CCRP LLC will present a seminar at Oak Dale Cemetery on the proper cleaning of headstones/tombstones on June 9, 2018 at 9:00AM. Rain date is set for June 16, 2018.

American History: A report was submitted by Peg Neiswander stating she was organizing the distribution of certificates for straight A eighth grade American History students in all Champaign County schools.

American Indians: Carol Tong reminded members of the challenge to select and read one book on American Indian History in the next months. Participants will be signing a list at the December meeting.

Community Service Awards: Jan Ebert thanked the hostesses for the event of March 17, 2018. It was a wonderful afternoon as we honored Judge Roger B. Wilson and his wife, Linnae Wilson. Regent Detwiler read a most gracious thank you note from the Wilsons.

DAR Service for Veterans: Mary Pollock reminded members that the collection of items for Comfort Kits for Veteran inpatients at the Dayton VA Medical Center will be collected at the May 19, 2018 meeting. She also mentioned the need for volunteers for the Preservation Alliance House & Garden Tour in St. Paris June 23-24, 2018.

Public Relations: After some hours of hard work, Becky Shultz presented the draft of a new brochure featuring information about our DAR Chapter. When completed, it will be available at various sites in the community.

Service to America: Judi Henson reported that our Chapter had recorded a total of 500 hours for 2018.

Women’s Issues: Jeanne Evans reported on “The Lost Art of Handwriting.” Members were encouraged to select their own significant story and preserve it for future generations in their unique and special handwriting.

Nominating Committee: Judi Henson presented statistics giving a profile of our Chapter membership. The committee has been diligently at work with one office nomination to fill.

New Business: Regent Detwiler reminded members of our May 19, 2018 meeting when Capt. David Norman will be our featured speaker. He is a Vietnam Veteran who will be presenting his story of being “Last Man Out.” Posters for the event were made available for members to distribute in the community.

Looking ahead, the date for the June meeting is Thursday, June 14, 2018 at the Champaign County Historical Society. We will gather at 11:30AM for a potluck lunch.

Associate member, Linda Katon, gave a special invitation to the group to a May 5, 2018 meeting sponsored by the Lagonda Chapter DAR at The Heritage Center in downtown Springfield, Ohio. The program will feature “The Lincoln Funeral Train” with a catered lunch.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:35PM. Prior to the meeting, delicious refreshments were served by hostesses Freda Roesser, Kay Petty, Fonda Lou Eaton, Mary Pollock and Janet Evans.

Megan Snyder is welcomed into membership by her mother, Vice Regent Kim Snyder. Snyder is welcomed into membership by her mother, Vice Regent Kim Snyder. Submitted photo

Submitted story

Submitted by the Urbana Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution.

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