Community Calendar



Concord Cloverleaf Squares Dance: 8-10:30 p.m., concord Community Center, 3263 state Route 560. Public always welcome.

Bostick Brothers Memorial Car Show: 3-8 p.m., downtown Mechanicsburg. Registration is $10 3-5:30 p.m.

Tremont City 7th annual Car/Bike Show and Hog Roast: 2-7 p.m., Tremont City Main Street. Entry is $5, trophies awarded. Judging is at 5 p.m.

Just 4 Fun Line Dancers: 3-4 p.m., West Liberty ball park. Part of the West Liberty Labor Day celebration.

Champaign County Farmers Market Customer Appreciation Day: 9 a.m.-noon, Champaign County Farmers Market, corner of Locust and Market streets in Urbana. Fresh sweet corn, vegetables, garlic, fresh and dried herbs, dried herb products, baked goods, preserves, honey, maple syrup, pretzels, eggs, crafts, candy, dog treats, dog collars and more.


Wayne Twp. Board of Trustees: regular meeting moved from this date to Tuesday, Sept. 6, at 6:30 p.m. at Wayne Township Meeting Hall, 3630 Inskeep Road, Cable

Urbana Township Trustees: today’s meeting moved to noon Sept. 6 at 2564 state Route 54 (moved due to Labor Day holiday)

Union Township Trustees: today’s regularly scheduled monthly meeting rescheduled for Thursday, Sept. 8, at 7 p.m., Union Township Building, 3018 Harper Rd., Mechanicsburg


Wayne Twp. Board of Trustees: regular meeting moved from Sept. 5 to today at 6:30 p.m. at Wayne Township Meeting Hall, 3630 Inskeep Road, Cable

West Liberty-Salem Board of Education: 6 p.m., West Liberty-Salem Elementary School kindergarten room 10. Special meeting to discuss building project, action may be taken.

Urbana Township Trustees: noon at 2564 state Route 54 (moved from Sept. 5 due to Labor Day holiday)

Info about mosquito-fighting grants: 10 a.m., county Community Center, South U.S. Route 68, Urbana. State, county and local officials to attend.


Winedown Wednesday: 5:30 p.m., VFW/DAV Brown Ridge Hall, 220 E. Court St., Urbana, new and slightly used designer purses, scarves and white elephant auction. Cost is $15, wine and appetizers provided. All proceeds benefit the VFW/DAV kitchen fund. Open to the public. For tickets call Debbie at 937-215-3477.


Pony Wagon Parade: 6 p.m., downtown St. Paris

Greenhills Kitchen Band: 2:30 p.m., Greenhills Community foundation hall. No charge.

Union Township Trustees: regularly scheduled monthly meeting of Sept. 5 rescheduled for 7 p.m. today in Union Township Building, 3018 Harper Rd., Mechanicsburg


Pony Wagon Days: St. Paris

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