Pro-life speaker addresses local residents

On Monday evening, April 29, Mark Harrington of “Created Equal,” a pro-life organization based in Columbus, spoke at the Champaign County Community Center. His topic was “How to Win on Abortion,” illustrated by real-life pictures and action clips on a screen. Over forty people attended, including State Representative Nino Vitale. A highlight of the presentation was the pro-abortion arguments for killing the fetus in the womb: 1. Size (the pre-born are smaller than the born); 2. Level of Development (the pre-born are not as developed as newborns); 3. Environment (the pre-born are located inside their mother’s womb); 4. Degree of Dependency (the pre-born are dependent on their mothers to live). The most popular of these is “Level of Development,” from the belief that the pre-born are not “sentient” (cannot feel pain or much else).

To combat these superficial arguments, “Created Equal” has an Abortion Center Outreach that displays signs and offers counseling outside abortion clinics. One gripping sequence showed a young African-American man threatening and attacking pro-lifers holding signs in Columbus, but the police come and arrest him. He was probably angry because the greatest deterrent to those who push abortion is graphic pictures of tiny mangled corpses, an idea derived from Emmett Till’s mother demanding that his lacerated face be shown in his coffin to the media (1955). The obviously horrific cruelty changed attitudes to racial violence, and the same happens when students see the agonized faces and the bleeding remains of these unborn human beings. Many weep.

Consequently, a lot of abortion clinics are now turning into pill-mills dispensing abortifacients (e.g., “morning-after” pills) so that the woman can go home and dispose of the fetal remains herself. The clinics’ problem is disposing of the small corpses; waste companies have been prevented from throwing them on landfills in several states. Now they must take them to funeral homes (which dislike handling them)..

The group that aborts most is under-25 women who are on college campuses (50% of all abortions). Their rationale is the huge inconvenience of becoming a mother while pursuing a degree. Naturally they have heard the propaganda that abortion is in the Constitution widely promoted in high schools and even earlier; some female college students are encouraged to “Shout Your Abortion!” However, young people are becoming increasingly pro-life, and those who volunteer to work for “Created Equal” march just like the Civil Rights marchers of yesteryear, with large photographs of the victims.

Many other techniques are effective: videocam footage of pro-abortion attacks on campuses and even at the Statehouse; Harrington’s giant mobile screen called the Jumbotron. and overpass posters. Those interested in further details can go to the “Created,Equal” website, and learn about the July 16-17 “Days of Action” in Columbus.

Champaign County Right to Life was glad to see that three local pastors were in the audience, with members from a dozen local churches attending, and the general public.

Next up pro-life event is the movie “Unplanned,” at the Gloria cinema, May 7 and 8, at 7 p.m. The first twenty tickets are free.

Sincerely yours,

David George & members,

Champaign County Right to Life

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