Reader rallies support for Graham


After forty years of teaching in the Graham Local Schools, I know firsthand the incredible work taking place in our district classrooms

each and every day. Year after year, high-quality, dedicated staff professionals prepare students with skills they need to be successful in our 21st century global economy.

Unfortunately, because of annual reductions in federal and state funding in our Ohio schools, Graham has had to make cuts to its budget for more than two decades..twenty years.

Without a doubt this has hit our teachers and the resources they are able to provide each day hard. They need our help.

Teachers and staff have shared in these fiscal sacrifices collectively, helping save Graham Local $9.5 million over the last five years alone. As a result the district lost many teachers and other support and administrative staff, yet the work goes on. There is no denying these cuts hurt our schools and the quality of education our students receive.

Graham students need additional resources – up-to-date technology, revised texts, and quality lab materials to remain academically competitive with students from around the globe.

To address this urgent need, I am profoundly pleased to know our Board of Education is discussing a November 2017 income tax or levy. They are wisely seeking a public engagement on these decisions. After 24 years without asking for additional operating funds and making do with what we have, it is time to move forward. This speaks volumes to the fiscal management of Graham Local Schools, and maybe more importantly of the sacrifices made by teachers and staff. We are so proud of our schools..our teachers, staff, and all who make Graham what it is.

Greg and I encourage you to take an active role in the Board’s conversations regarding a proposed November ballot initiative: attend meetings, share your ideas and concerns, and learn all you can about our schools. Board meetings are user-friendly…open dialogue..and exciting. The TeleGraham newsletter is mailed to your home or can be read on the GLS website.

Graham Local students need your support and deserve nothing but the very best education our community can provide.

Marcia Balmut Ward

Retired educator

Graham Local Schools

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