Market Goat Production Results


Ribbon and award placing for Market Goat Production:

Doe Kids, 3 to under 6 months: Emma Violet, Doug Metz, Doug Metz

Doe Kids 6 to under 9 months: Cindy Westfall, Doug Metz, Isaac Blackford

Doe Kids 9 to under 12 months: Cindy Westfall, Hannah Dingledine

Junior Reserve Champion: Cindy Westfall

Junior Champion: Cindy Westfall

Does 12 to under 16 months: Cindy Westfall, Alexis Detwiler, Tracy Detwiler

Does 16 to under 20 months: Emma Violet, Emma Violet, Jennifer Basil

Does 20 to under 24 months: Doug Metz, Emily Heater

Yearling Champion: Cindy Westfall

Yearling Reserve Champion: Emma Violet

Does 24 to under 36 months: Cindy Westfall, Doug Metz, Jack Eggleston

Does 36 months and over: Cindy Westfall, Doug Metz, Jack Eggleston

Senior Reserve Champion: Cindy Westfall

Overall Reserve Champion: Cindy Westfall

Overall Champion: Cindy Westfall

Production Mother/Daughter Goat: Doug Metz, Bella Kauffman, Hanna Schwaderer

Production Mother/Wether Goat: Doug Metz, Samantha Schwaderer, Emily Heater

Carcass Market Goat: Dwain Hollingsworth

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