Seniors of the Month


West Liberty-Salem’s May Seniors of the Month are Austin Hild and Jamie Peterson. Here are their comments.

Austin Hild

PARENTS: Jeff and Patti Hild

School Activities and Awards: I am a part of FFA and have my chapter degree through it, I also got the Superintendent Award in the 8th Grade.

If I were principal for a day: I wouldn’t know what to do, that’s a stressful job.

Favorite school memory: Is when during 6th Grade award night, we were playing kick ball and I ran directly into the bleachers.

People who have been an inspiration to me include: my mom and grandpa

Because: they work unbelievably hard to achieve the goals they set, which is where I get my drive.

Lately, I have been reading: the 7 habits of highly successful people.

My advice to parents: Push your kids hard, that way when they want to quit they won’t because you have built them up.

My biggest regret: I don’t really have one.

Next year I will be: Attending Edison State Community College to study Electrical Engineering.

Jamie Peterson

PARENTS: Jim and Jennifer Peterson

School Activities and Awards: 2 year Link Crew member, 2 year IPad Committee member, 3 year Office Worker, volleyball, basketball

If I were principal for a day: Give free Chipotle for lunch

Favorite school memory: Lunch table conversations

People who have been an inspiration to me include: My sisters, my mom, my friends

Because: My sisters unconditionally support me, my mom is an example of forgiveness and unconditional love, my friends constantly inspire me to be a better person than the day before.

My advice to parents: Your kids will make mistakes, love them anyway

My biggest regret: Not getting involved in clubs and groups until Junior year

Next year I will be: Playing volleyball at The University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio



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